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Higress Team

This page shows Higress developers and continues to expand. The list is not prioritized.

Higress Committer List

Tianyi ZhangjohnlanniAlibaba
Leilei GenggengleileiAlibaba
Yang FanSpecialYangAlibaba
Bingkun ZhaosjtuzbkAlibaba
Yiqun LingLynskylatePdd Holdings Inc
Xunzhuo LiuXunzhuoTencent
Qianglin LiCharlie17LiZJU-SEL
YaTao TianHinstenyAnt

Higress Developer Roles

Higress developers include three roles: Maintainer, Committer, and Contributor. The standard definitions for each role are as follows.


Maintainer is an individual who has made a significant contribution to the evolution and development of the Higress project, including projects under the Higress group. Specifically includes the following criteria:

  • Completing the design and development of multiple key modules or projects, is an core developer of the project.
  • Continuous investment and passion, can actively participate in the maintenance of related matters such as community, official website, issue, PR, etc.
  • Has a visible influence in the community and is able to represent Higress in important community meetings and events.
  • Have the consciousness and ability to cultivate Committer and Contributor.


Committer is an individual with write access to the Higress repository and includes the following criteria:

  • An individual who can contribute to the issue and PR continuously for a long time.
  • Participate in the maintenance of the issue list and discussion of important features.
  • Participate in code review.


Contributor is an individual who contributes to the Higress project. The standard is:

  • Submitted a PR that is merged.