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AI Statistics


Provides basic AI observability capabilities, including metric, log, and trace. The ai-proxy plug-in needs to be connected afterwards. If the ai-proxy plug-in is not connected, the user needs to configure it accordingly to take effect.

Runtime Properties

Plugin Phase: CUSTOM Plugin Priority: 200

Configuration instructions

The default request of the plug-in conforms to the openai protocol format and provides the following basic observable values. Users do not need special configuration:

  • metric: It provides indicators such as input token, output token, rt of the first token (streaming request), total request rt, etc., and supports observation in the four dimensions of gateway, routing, service, and model.
  • log: Provides input_token, output_token, model, llm_service_duration, llm_first_token_duration and other fields

Users can also expand observable values ​​through configuration:

attributes[]Attributerequired-Information that the user wants to record in log/span

Attribute Configuration instructions:

keystringrequired-attrribute key
value_sourcestringrequired-attrribute value source, optional values ​​are fixed_value, request_header, request_body, response_header, response_body, response_streaming_body
valuestringrequired-how to get attrribute value
rulestringoptional-Rule to extract attribute from streaming response, optional values ​​are first, replace, append
apply_to_logbooloptionalfalseWhether to record the extracted information in the log
apply_to_spanbooloptionalfalseWhether to record the extracted information in the link tracking span

The meanings of various values for value_source ​​are as follows:

  • fixed_value: fixed value
  • request_header: The attrribute is obtained through the http request header
  • request_body: The attrribute is obtained through the http request body
  • response_header: The attrribute is obtained through the http response header
  • response_body: The attrribute is obtained through the http response body
  • response_streaming_body: The attrribute is obtained through the http streaming response body

When value_source is response_streaming_body, rule should be configured to specify how to obtain the specified value from the streaming body. The meaning of the value is as follows:

  • first: extract value from the first valid chunk
  • replace: extract value from the last valid chunk
  • append: join value pieces from all valid chunks

Configuration example

If you want to record ai-statistic related statistical values ​​​​in the gateway access log, you need to modify log_format and add a new field based on the original log_format. The example is as follows:




route_upstream_model_metric_input_token{ai_route="llm",ai_cluster="outbound|443||qwen.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo"} 10
route_upstream_model_metric_llm_duration_count{ai_route="llm",ai_cluster="outbound|443||qwen.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo"} 1
route_upstream_model_metric_llm_first_token_duration{ai_route="llm",ai_cluster="outbound|443||qwen.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo"} 309
route_upstream_model_metric_llm_service_duration{ai_route="llm",ai_cluster="outbound|443||qwen.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo"} 1955
route_upstream_model_metric_output_token{ai_route="llm",ai_cluster="outbound|443||qwen.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo"} 69




When the configuration is empty, no additional attributes will be added to the span.

Extract token usage information from non-openai protocols

When setting the protocol to original in ai-proxy, taking Alibaba Cloud Bailian as an example, you can make the following configuration to specify how to extract model, input_token, output_token

- key: model
value_source: response_body
value: usage.models.0.model_id
apply_to_log: true
apply_to_span: false
- key: input_token
value_source: response_body
value: usage.models.0.input_tokens
apply_to_log: true
apply_to_span: false
- key: output_token
value_source: response_body
value: usage.models.0.output_tokens
apply_to_log: true
apply_to_span: false


Here is the English translation:

# counter, cumulative count of input tokens
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_input_token{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 24
# counter, cumulative count of output tokens
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_output_token{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 507
# counter, cumulative total duration of both streaming and non-streaming requests
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_llm_service_duration{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 6470
# counter, cumulative count of both streaming and non-streaming requests
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_llm_duration_count{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 2
# counter, cumulative latency of the first token in streaming requests
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_llm_first_token_duration{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 340
# counter, cumulative count of streaming requests
route_upstream_model_consumer_metric_llm_stream_duration_count{ai_route="ai-route-aliyun.internal",ai_cluster="outbound|443||llm-aliyun.internal.dns",ai_model="qwen-turbo",ai_consumer="none"} 1

Below are some example usages of these metrics:

Average latency of the first token in streaming requests:


Average process duration of both streaming and non-streaming requests:



"ai_log": "{\"model\":\"qwen-max\",\"input_token\":\"343\",\"output_token\":\"153\",\"llm_service_duration\":\"19110\"}"


Three additional attributes model, input_token, and output_token can be seen in the trace spans.

Cooperate with authentication and authentication record consumer

- key: consumer
value_source: request_header
value: x-mse-consumer
apply_to_log: true

Record questions and answers

- key: question
value_source: request_body
value: messages.@reverse.0.content
apply_to_log: true
- key: answer
value_source: response_streaming_body
rule: append
apply_to_log: true
- key: answer
value_source: response_body
value: choices.0.message.content
apply_to_log: true