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Key-Based Cluster Rate Limiting

Function Description

The cluster-key-rate-limit plugin implements cluster rate limiting based on Redis, suitable for scenarios that require global consistent rate limiting across multiple Higress Gateway instances.

The Key used for rate limiting can originate from URL parameters, HTTP request headers, client IP addresses, consumer names, or keys in cookies.

Execution Attributes

Plugin Execution Phase: default phase
Plugin Execution Priority: 20

Configuration Description

Configuration ItemTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
rule_namestringYes-The name of the rate limiting rule. The Redis key is constructed using rule name + rate limit type + limit key name + actual value of the limit key.
rule_itemsarray of objectYes-Rate limiting rule items. The first matching rule_item based on the order under rule_items will trigger the rate limiting, and subsequent rules will be ignored.
show_limit_quota_headerboolNofalseWhether to display X-RateLimit-Limit (total requests allowed) and X-RateLimit-Remaining (remaining requests that can be sent) in the response headers.
rejected_codeintNo429HTTP status code returned when a request is rate limited.
rejected_msgstringNoToo many requestsResponse body returned when a request is rate limited.
redisobjectYes-Redis related configuration.

Description of configuration fields for each item in rule_items.

Configuration ItemTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
limit_by_headerstringNo, one of limit_by_*-The name of the HTTP request header from which to retrieve the rate limiting key value.
limit_by_paramstringNo, one of limit_by_*-The name of the URL parameter from which to retrieve the rate limiting key value.
limit_by_consumerstringNo, one of limit_by_*-Applies rate limiting based on consumer name without needing to add an actual value.
limit_by_cookiestringNo, one of limit_by_*-The name of the key in the Cookie from which to retrieve the rate limiting key value.
limit_by_per_headerstringNo, one of limit_by_*-Matches specific HTTP request headers according to the rules and calculates rate limits for each header. The limit_keys configuration supports regular expressions or *.
limit_by_per_paramstringNo, one of limit_by_*-Matches specific URL parameters according to the rules and calculates rate limits for each parameter. The limit_keys configuration supports regular expressions or *.
limit_by_per_consumerstringNo, one of limit_by_*-Matches specific consumers according to the rules and calculates rate limits for each consumer. The limit_keys configuration supports regular expressions or *.
limit_by_per_cookiestringNo, one of limit_by_*-Matches specific cookies according to the rules and calculates rate limits for each cookie. The limit_keys configuration supports regular expressions or *.
limit_by_per_ipstringNo, one of limit_by_*-Matches specific IPs according to the rules and calculates rate limits for each IP. Retrieve via IP parameter name from request headers, defined as from-header-{header name}, e.g., from-header-x-forwarded-for. To get the remote socket IP directly, use from-remote-addr.
limit_keysarray of objectYes-Configures the limit counts after matching key values.

Description of configuration fields for each item in limit_keys.

Configuration ItemTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
keystringYes-Matched key value; types limit_by_per_header, limit_by_per_param, limit_by_per_consumer, limit_by_per_cookie support regular expression configurations (starting with regexp: followed by a regular expression) or * (representing all), e.g., regexp:^d.* (all strings starting with d); limit_by_per_ip supports configuring IP addresses or IP segments.
query_per_secondintNo, one of query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day is optional.-Allowed number of requests per second.
query_per_minuteintNo, one of query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day is optional.-Allowed number of requests per minute.
query_per_hourintNo, one of query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day is optional.-Allowed number of requests per hour.
query_per_dayintNo, one of query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day is optional.-Allowed number of requests per day.

Description of configuration fields for each item in redis.

Configuration ItemTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
service_namestringRequired-Full FQDN name of the Redis service, including service type, e.g., my-redis.dns,
service_portintNo80 for static services; otherwise 6379Service port for the Redis service.
usernamestringNo-Redis username.
passwordstringNo-Redis password.
timeoutintNo1000Redis connection timeout in milliseconds.

Configuration Examples

Distinguish rate limiting based on the request parameter apikey

rule_name: default_rule
- limit_by_param: apikey
- key: 9a342114-ba8a-11ec-b1bf-00163e1250b5
query_per_minute: 10
- key: a6a6d7f2-ba8a-11ec-bec2-00163e1250b5
query_per_hour: 100
- limit_by_per_param: apikey
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with a, each apikey corresponds to 10qds.
- key: "regexp:^a.*"
query_per_second: 10
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with b, each apikey corresponds to 100qd.
- key: "regexp:^b.*"
query_per_minute: 100
# As a fallback, matches all requests, each apikey corresponds to 1000qdh.
- key: "*"
query_per_hour: 1000
service_name: redis.static
show_limit_quota_header: true

Distinguish rate limiting based on the header x-ca-key

rule_name: default_rule
- limit_by_header: x-ca-key
- key: 102234
query_per_minute: 10
- key: 308239
query_per_hour: 10
- limit_by_per_header: x-ca-key
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with a, each apikey corresponds to 10qds.
- key: "regexp:^a.*"
query_per_second: 10
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with b, each apikey corresponds to 100qd.
- key: "regexp:^b.*"
query_per_minute: 100
# As a fallback, matches all requests, each apikey corresponds to 1000qdh.
- key: "*"
query_per_hour: 1000
service_name: redis.static
show_limit_quota_header: true

Distinguish rate limiting based on the client IP from the request header x-forwarded-for

rule_name: default_rule
- limit_by_per_ip: from-header-x-forwarded-for
# Exact IP
- key:
query_per_day: 10
# IP segment, for IPs matching this segment, each IP corresponds to 100qpd.
- key:
query_per_day: 100
# As a fallback, defaults to 1000 qpd for each IP.
- key:
query_per_day: 1000
service_name: redis.static
show_limit_quota_header: true

Distinguish rate limiting based on consumers

rule_name: default_rule
- limit_by_consumer: ''
- key: consumer1
query_per_second: 10
- key: consumer2
query_per_hour: 100
- limit_by_per_consumer: ''
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with a, each consumer corresponds to 10qds.
- key: "regexp:^a.*"
query_per_second: 10
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with b, each consumer corresponds to 100qd.
- key: "regexp:^b.*"
query_per_minute: 100
# As a fallback, matches all requests, each consumer corresponds to 1000qdh.
- key: "*"
query_per_hour: 1000
service_name: redis.static
show_limit_quota_header: true

Distinguish rate limiting based on key-value pairs in cookies

rule_name: default_rule
- limit_by_cookie: key1
- key: value1
query_per_minute: 10
- key: value2
query_per_hour: 100
- limit_by_per_cookie: key1
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with a, each cookie's value corresponds to 10qds.
- key: "regexp:^a.*"
query_per_second: 10
# Regular expression, matches all strings starting with b, each cookie's value corresponds to 100qd.
- key: "regexp:^b.*"
query_per_minute: 100
# As a fallback, matches all requests, each cookie's value corresponds to 1000qdh.
- key: "*"
query_per_hour: 1000
rejected_code: 200
rejected_msg: '{"code":-1,"msg":"Too many requests"}'
service_name: redis.static
show_limit_quota_header: true