AI Cache
Function Description
LLM result caching plugin, the default configuration can be directly used for result caching under the OpenAI protocol, and it supports caching of both streaming and non-streaming responses.
When carrying the request header x-higress-skip-ai-cache: on
, the current request will not use content from the cache but will be directly forwarded to the backend service. Additionally, the response content from this request will not be cached.
Runtime Properties
Plugin Execution Phase: Authentication Phase
Plugin Execution Priority: 10
Configuration Description
Name | Type | Requirement | Default | Description |
cacheKeyFrom.requestBody | string | optional | ”messages.@reverse.0.content” | Extracts a string from the request Body based on GJSON PATH syntax |
cacheValueFrom.responseBody | string | optional | ”choices.0.message.content” | Extracts a string from the response Body based on GJSON PATH syntax |
cacheStreamValueFrom.responseBody | string | optional | ”” | Extracts a string from the streaming response Body based on GJSON PATH syntax |
cacheKeyPrefix | string | optional | ”higress-ai-cache:“ | Prefix for the Redis cache key |
cacheTTL | integer | optional | 0 | Cache expiration time in seconds, default value is 0, which means never expire |
redis.serviceName | string | required | - | The complete FQDN name of the Redis service, including the service type, e.g., my-redis.dns, |
redis.servicePort | integer | optional | 6379 | Redis service port |
redis.timeout | integer | optional | 1000 | Timeout for requests to Redis, in milliseconds |
redis.username | string | optional | - | Username for logging into Redis |
redis.database | int | optional | 0 | The database ID used, limited to Redis, for example, configured as 1, corresponds to SELECT 1 . |
redis.password | string | optional | - | Password for logging into Redis |
returnResponseTemplate | string | optional | {"id":"from-cache","choices":[%s],"model":"gpt-4o","object":"chat.completion","usage":{"prompt_tokens":0,"completion_tokens":0,"total_tokens":0}} | Template for returning HTTP response, with %s marking the part to be replaced by cache value |
returnStreamResponseTemplate | string | optional | data:{"id":"from-cache","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant","content":"%s"},"finish_reason":"stop"}],"model":"gpt-4o","object":"chat.completion","usage":{"prompt_tokens":0,"completion_tokens":0,"total_tokens":0}}\n\ndata:[DONE]\n\n | Template for returning streaming HTTP response, with %s marking the part to be replaced by cache value |
Configuration Example
redis: serviceName: my-redis.dns timeout: 2000 servicePort: 6379 database: 1
Advanced Usage
The current default cache key is based on the GJSON PATH expression: messages.@reverse.0.content
, meaning to get the content of the first item after reversing the messages array;
GJSON PATH supports conditional syntax, for instance, if you want to take the content of the last role as user as the key, it can be written as: messages.@reverse.#(role=="user").content
If you want to concatenate all the content with role as user into an array as the key, it can be written as: messages.@reverse.#(role=="user")#.content
It also supports pipeline syntax, for example, if you want to take the second role as user as the key, it can be written as: messages.@reverse.#(role=="user")#.content|1
For more usage, you can refer to the official documentation and use the GJSON Playground for syntax testing.