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AI Intent Recognition

Function Description

LLM Intent Recognition plugin can intelligently determine the alignment between user requests and the functionalities of a certain domain or agent, thereby enhancing the application effectiveness of different models and user experience.

Execution Attributes

Plugin execution phase: Default Phase

Plugin execution priority: 700

Configuration Instructions

  1. This plugin’s priority is higher than that of plugins such as ai-proxy which follow up and use intent. Subsequent plugins can retrieve the intent category using the proxywasm.GetProperty([]string{“intent_category”}) method and make selections for different cache libraries or large models based on the intent category.
  2. A new Higress large model route needs to be created to allow this plugin to access the large model. For example: the route should use /intent as a prefix, the service should select the large model service, and the ai-proxy plugin should be enabled for this route.
  3. A fixed-address service needs to be created (for example, intent-service), which points to (i.e., the gateway instance and port). The ai-intent plugin requires this service for calling to access the newly added route. The service name corresponds to llm.proxyServiceName (a DNS type service can also be created to allow the plugin to access other large models).
  4. If using a fixed-address service to call the gateway itself, must be added to the gateway’s access whitelist.
NameData TypeRequirementDefault ValueDescription
scene.categorystringRequired-Preset scene categories, separated by ”|”, e.g.: “Finance|E-commerce|Law|Higress”
scene.promptstringOptionalYou are a smart category recognition assistant responsible for determining which preset category a user’s question belongs to based on the question posed by the user and the preset categories, and returning the corresponding category. The user’s question is: %s, the preset categories are %s, directly return a specific category; if not found, return ‘NotFound’.llm request prompt template
llm.proxyServiceNamestringRequired-Newly created Higress service pointing to the large model (use the FQDN value from Higress)
llm.proxyUrlstringRequired-The full path to the large model route request address, which can be the gateway’s own address or the address of another large model (OpenAI protocol), for example:
llm.proxyDomainstringOptionalRetrieved from proxyUrlDomain of the large model service
llm.proxyPortstringOptionalRetrieved from proxyUrlPort number of the large model service
llm.proxyApiKeystringOptional-API_KEY corresponding to the external large model service when using it
llm.proxyModelstringOptionalqwen-longType of the large model
llm.proxyTimeoutnumberOptional10000Timeout for calling the large model, unit ms, default: 10000ms

Configuration Example

category: "Finance|E-commerce|Law|Higress"
prompt: "You are a smart category recognition assistant responsible for determining which preset category a user's question belongs to based on the question posed by the user and the preset categories, and returning the corresponding category. The user's question is: '%s', the preset categories are '%s', directly return a specific category; if not found, return 'NotFound'."
proxyServiceName: "intent-service.static"
proxyUrl: ""
proxyDomain: ""
proxyPort: "80"
proxyModel: "qwen-long"
proxyApiKey: ""
proxyTimeout: "10000"