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AI Request-Response Transformation

Function Description

The AI Request-Response Transformation plugin modifies the header and body of requests/responses using LLM.

Execution Attributes

Plugin execution phase: Authentication Phase
Plugin execution priority: 410

Configuration Description

request.enableboolrequired-Whether to enable transformation in the request phase
request.promptstringrequired-Prompt used for transformation in the request phase
response.enableboolrequired-Whether to enable transformation in the response phase
response.promptstringrequired-Prompt used for transformation in the response phase
provider.serviceNamestringrequired-DNS type service name, currently only supports Qwen
provider.domainstringrequired-LLM service domain
provider.apiKeystringrequired-Alibaba Cloud Dashscope service API Key

Configuration Example

enable: false
prompt: "If the request path starts with /httpbin, please remove the /httpbin prefix and do not change anything else."
enable: true
prompt: "Please modify the following HTTP response information with the requirements: 1. change content-type to application/json; 2. convert body from xml to json; 3. remove content-length."
serviceName: qwen
apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Accessing the original httpbin’s /xml interface yields:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
<!-- A SAMPLE set of slides -->
title="Sample Slide Show"
date="Date of publication"
author="Yours Truly"
<!-- TITLE SLIDE -->
<slide type="all">
<title>Wake up to WonderWidgets!</title>
<!-- OVERVIEW -->
<slide type="all">
<item>Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great</item>
<item>Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets</item>

Using the above configuration, accessing the httpbin’s /xml interface through the gateway yields:

"slideshow": {
"title": "Sample Slide Show",
"date": "Date of publication",
"author": "Yours Truly",
"slides": [
"type": "all",
"title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!"
"type": "all",
"title": "Overview",
"items": [
"Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
"Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"