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request blocking


request-block plugin implements a request blocking function based on request characteristics such as URL and request header. It can be used to protect internal resources from unauthorized access.

Configuration Fields

NameTypeRequirementDefault ValueDescription
block_urlsarray of stringOptional. Choose one from following: block_urls, block_headers, block_bodies-HTTP URLs to be blocked.
block_headersarray of stringOptional. Choose one from following: block_urls, block_headers, block_bodies-HTTP request headers to be blocked.
block_bodiesarray of stringOptional. Choose one from following: block_urls ,block_headers, block_bodies-HTTP request bodies to be blocked.
blocked_codenumberOptional403HTTP response status code to be sent when corresponding request is blocked.
blocked_messagestringOptional-HTTP response body to be sent when corresponding request is blocked.
case_sensitiveboolOptionaltrueWhether to use case-senstive comparison when matching. Enabled by default.

Configuration Samples

Block Specific Request URLs

- swagger.html
- foo=bar
case_sensitive: false

According to the configuration above, following requests will be blocked:

Terminal window

Block Specific Request Headers

- example-key
- example-value

According to the configuration above, following requests will be blocked:

Terminal window
curl -H 'example-key: 123'
curl -H 'my-header: example-value'

Block Specific Request Bodies

- "hello world"
case_sensitive: false

According to the configuration above, following requests will be blocked:

Terminal window
curl -d 'Hello World'
curl -d 'hello world'

Only Enable for Specific Routes or Domains

# Use _rules_ field for fine-grained rule configurations
# Rule 1: Match by route name
- _match_route_:
- route-a
- route-b
- "hello world"
# Rule 2: Match by domain
- _match_domain_:
- "*"
- "swagger.html"
- "hello world"

In the rule sample of _match_route_, route-a and route-b are the route names provided when creating a new gateway route. When the current route names matches the configuration, the rule following shall be applied. In the rule sample of _match_domain_, * and are the domain names used for request matching. When the current domain name matches the configuration, the rule following shall be applied. All rules shall be checked following the order of items in the _rules_ field, The first matched rule will be applied. All remained will be ignored.

Maximum Request Body Size Limitation

When block_bodies is configured, body matching shall only be performed when its size is smaller than 32MB. If not, and no block_urls or block_headers configuration is matched, the request won’t be blocked. When block_bodies is configured, if the size of request body exceeds the global configuration of DownstreamConnectionBufferLimits, a 413 Payload Too Large response will be returned.