1. Overview
This document defines the structure and building method of Higress Wasm Plugin images. When preparing, we referred to Wasm Image Specification .
2. Image Structure
Each image needs to be build in OCI Image Specification based on scratch
, and shall only contain following files:
spec.yaml: Required. Metadata file of the plugin. Please refer to section 3 below for its format.
README.md: Required. Readme file describing the usage of the plugin. Markdown format. Written in English or Chinese.
README_{lang}.md: Optional. Readme file describing the usage of the plugin. Markdown format. lang
can be ZH
or EN
icon.png: Optional. Icon file of the plugin. A URL of the plugin icon can also be specified in spec.yaml. If both the file and the URL are configured, the file will be used for display.
plugin.wasm: Required. The binary file of the plugin.
Each layer of the image can only contain a single file.
Except the layer containing plugin.wasm, the media type of other layers shall be set according to the file inside:
spec.yaml: application/vnd.module.wasm.spec.v1+yaml
README.md: application/vnd.module.wasm.doc.v1+markdown
README_{lang}.md: application/vnd.module.wasm.doc.v1.{lang}+markdown
icon.png: application/vnd.module.wasm.icon.v1+png
plugin.wasm must be placed in the last layer of the image, with the media type of application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip.
The format of metadata file, spec.yaml
, is as following, using the metadata of basic-auth
plugin as an example:
apiVersion : 1.0.0 # The schema version of the content below. Always use to 1.0.0 for now.
category : auth # Plugin category. Options: auth (authentication and authorization), security (security protection), protocol (protocol transformation), flow-control, flow-monitor,custom
name : basic-auth/v1 # Plugin name, which is the unique identifier of the plugin. It is recommended to add a version suffix, such as "/v1", just in case an incompatible upgrade in the future.
title : Basic Auth # Display name. I18n supported.
description : 本插件实现了基于 HTTP Basic Auth 标准进行认证鉴权的功能。 # Plugin description. I18n supported.
x-description-i18n : # I18n content of the description field above. Translated contents can be added using "x-{name}-i18n" fields for all i18n-supported fields.
en-US : This plugin implements an authentication function based on HTTP Basic Auth standard.
iconUrl : https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/O1CN01I7WjVs1K33EQjInid_!!6000000001107-2-tps-960-290.png # Optional. URL of plugin icon file.
version : 1.0.0 # Plugin version
contact : # Plugin contact
phase : AUTHN # Execution phase. Please refer to https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/proxy_extensions/wasm-plugin/#PluginPhase
priority : 0 # Execution priority within the given phase. Please refer to https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/proxy_extensions/wasm-plugin/#WasmPlugin
configSchema : # Schema of the plugin's runtime configurations, which shall be defined with the Schema object in OpenAPI 3.0.0 standard.
openAPIV3Schema : # Please refer to https://openapi.apifox.cn/#schema-%E5%AF%B9%E8%B1%A1 for the data structure. Some fields which can be used for display support i18n.
x-scope : GLOBAL # Field effective scope. Options: GLOBAL (global configuration), RULE (rule-level configuration, which can be set associated to routes, domains or services.), ANY (Effective scope unrestricted). Optional. Default value is ANY.
description : 服务调用方列表,用于对请求进行认证
en-US : List of service consumers which will be used in request authentication
en-US : The name of the consumer
# Data validation shall be implemented according JSON Schema Validation Spec
# https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation.html
# Following values are supported:
minLength : 6 # Minimum length for data validation
maxLength : 256 # Maximum length for data validation
pattern : "^$" # Regular experssion for data validation
en-US : The credential of the consumer
description : 对于匹配上述条件的请求,允许访问的调用方列表
en-US : Consumers to be allowed for matched requests
4. How to Build an Image
Start the builder container from the Higress root folder
PLUGIN_NAME = "hello-world"
BUILDER_IMAGE = "higress-registry.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/plugins/wasm-go-builder:go${ GO_VERSION }-tinygo${ TINYGO_VERSION }-oras${ ORAS_VERSION }"
docker run -v ${PWD} :/workspace -e PLUGIN_NAME= ${PLUGIN_NAME} -it --rm /bin/bash
Build Wasm file inside the container
cd /workspace/plugins/wasm-go/extensions/ ${PLUGIN_NAME}
tinygo build -o ./plugin.wasm -scheduler=none -target=wasi -gc=custom -tags= 'custommalloc nottinygc_finalizer' ./main.go
Build and push an OCI image
tar czvf plugin.tar.gz plugin.wasm
oras push ${IMAGE_REPOSITORY} : ${IMAGE_TAG} \
./spec.yaml:application/vnd.module.wasm.spec.v1+yaml \
./README.md:application/vnd.module.wasm.doc.v1+markdown \
./README_EN.md:application/vnd.module.wasm.doc.v1.en+markdown \
5. Appendix
5.1 Default Icon for Each Plugin Category